Ferron Fe
Iron is a micronutrient, meaning it is required by plants in lesser amounts than primary or secondary macronutrients. Iron is needed in the greatest quantity and its availability is dependent on the pH of the growing medium. Iron deficiency, also called iron chlorosis or lime chlorosis, Iron deficiency is expressed as an interveinal chlorosis of the new leaves are yellow with green veins. Continued yellowing of the leaves to sometimes almost white. Also, large leaves turn yellow. This inhibits growth. In serious cases the leaves show necrosis, and the plant’s growth and flowering are inhibited.
Pouch Available in: (200gm).- Spray Recomdation : 1.5 to 2.5 gm. per liter of water for all crops.
- Instruction : Only for plant use.
Product Specification
Chemical Composition | Specification |
Ferrous (as Fe) | 12 % |
E.D.T.A. | 1.0 % |