Super Spredar
Super Spreader is 3 in 1 product used as sticker+ spreader+ activator. It spreads well is non –ionic. Organic, sticks, spreads and gets completely activated. Super Spreader is a product which help to minimize the dose of poisonous insecticides & fungicides as it helps to spread minimum pesticides over plant leaf surface within short of time. And so we can save up to 25 to 30% of pesticide. Super Spreader can mix with all type of pesticides & fungicides. While spraying any pesticide mix with Super Spreader immediately it spreads all over leaves of plant as it consist of sticker. Use of Super Spreader with pesticides or fungicides we get better & quick results.
Packing Available in: 100ml / 200ml / 500ml / 1Ltr. / 5Ltr.Benifits
- Super Spreader acts as spreader, sticker, activator and stabilizer
- It spreads the spray product uniformly over the plant leaves & parts.
- It acts as a catalyst so increases the activity of pesticides, fungicides & weedicides.
- It keep the spray pumps clean.
- Works as preventive as well as curative action.
Dose :
0.5 ml to 1ml /Ltr /Spray/Drip.